Safeguarding Policy 

Organisation Details 

Name: Stoke Hill Community Association.

Address: St Katherine’s Priory,

St Katherine’s Road,


EX4 7JY.


Email Address:

Website: St Katherines Priory

Stoke Hill Community Association

Registered Charity No: 283907


Stoke Hill Community Association (hereafter SHCA) manages St Katherine’s  Priory, St Katherine’s Road, Exeter, EX4 7JY as a multi-use, multi generational community centre that is widely used by the people of Stoke  Hill and surrounding areas.

Our constitution identifies our object as:

To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Stoke Hill and the  neighbourhood without distinction.

To advance education and provide facilities in the interests of social  welfare for recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of  improving the conditions of life for said inhabitants.

To this end we organise SHCA events and also hire out our facilities to a  range of organisations, some of which offer provision to children, young  people & vulnerable adults. We recognise our responsibility in ensuring that  these organisations uphold an adequate safeguarding policy and have a  named person for safeguarding.


Safeguarding Statement 

  1. SHCA is committed to safeguarding children, young people and  vulnerable adults.
  2. SHCA recognises the need to provide a safe and caring environment  for children, young people and adults. We acknowledge that children,  young people and adults can be the victims of different types of abuse  and neglect. We accept the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights  and the International Covenant of Human Rights, which states that  everyone is entitled to “all the rights and freedoms set forth therein,  without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language,  religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,  birth or other status”.
  3. SHCA has therefore adopted the procedures set out in this  safeguarding policy in accordance with statutory guidance. We are  committed to building constructive links with statutory and voluntary  agencies involved in safeguarding.
  4. SHCA is committed to:
  • Valuing, listening to and respecting children, young people and  vulnerable adults, as well as promoting their welfare and protection;
  • Appointing a nominated safeguarding lead and a member of the  trustee board who takes lead responsibility for safeguarding at the  highest level in the organisation;
  • Ensuring that all staff, volunteers, members and facility users understand and follow the safeguarding policy;
  • Ensuring children, young people and vulnerable adults, and their  families know about SHCA’s safeguarding policy and what to do if they  have a concern;
  • Building a safeguarding culture where staff, volunteers, members and  facility users know how they are expected to behave and feel  comfortable about sharing concerns.
  • Implementing a procedure for dealing with concerns regarding  safeguarding;


  • Signposting, referring to and maintaining effective partnerships with  statutory childcare authorities and other safeguarding organisations.
  1. SHCA will give equal priority to keeping all children, young people and vulnerable adults safe regardless of their age, disability, gender  reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. In  doing this we will also recognise the additional needs of people and the  barriers they may face, for example with communication or the impact  of discrimination.
  2. SHCA will require a DBS check when appropriate to do so if the  particular role involves regular work with children, young people or  vulnerable adults.
  3. SHCA takes safeguarding very seriously and ensures that all organisations using St Katherine’s Priory are similarly committed to  safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. SHCA will  ensure that each organisation that uses St Katherine’s Priory upholds  their own robust safeguarding policy by insisting that:
  • They give the SHCA Secretary a copy of their own Safeguarding Policy  which must meet current safeguarding standards and be in agreement  with this policy.
  • They provide the SHCA Secretary with the name of their designated  safeguarding person.
  • They sign a letting agreement which makes clear that they are  responsible for safeguarding children, young people & vulnerable  adults in any group or activity which they provide.



Abuse is a selfish act of oppression and injustice, exploitation and  manipulation of power by those in a position of authority. This can be caused  by those inflicting harm or those who fail to act to prevent harm. Abuse is  not restricted to any socio-economic group, gender or culture. It can take a number of forms, including the following:

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Psychological or Emotional abuse
  • Neglect
  • Financial or material abuse
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Modern Slavery
  • Self-Neglect
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Institutional Abuse
  • Discriminatory Abuse
  • Harassment
  • Radicalisation

Definition of a child and young person 

A child and young person is under the age of 18 (as defined in the United  Nations convention on the Rights of a Child).

Definition of a vulnerable adult 

A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to  take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or from being  exploited.

This may include a person who: Is elderly and frail; Has a mental illness  including dementia; Has a physical or sensory disability; Has a learning  disability; Has a severe physical illness; Is a substance misuser; Is  homeless.



All staff and volunteers have a responsibility to follow the guidance laid  out in this policy and related policies, and to pass on any welfare concerns  using the required procedures.

We expect all staff and volunteers to promote good practice by being an  excellent role model, contribute to discussions about safeguarding and to  positively involve people in developing safe practices.

Additional specific responsibilities 

The Executive Committee and Trustees have responsibility to ensure that  this Safeguarding Policy is:

  • Accessible to all staff, volunteers, members and users of SHCA  facilities
  • Implemented
  • Monitored and Reviewed

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Tim Payne.

The Safeguarding Trustee is: Lesley Robson.


Responding Appropriately 

to an Allegation or Suspicion of Abuse 

Devon County Council (the local authority) has a process for reporting and  this must be followed.

It is, of course, the right of any individual as a citizen to make a direct  referral to the safeguarding agencies.

In an emergency always call 999 

Child and Young Person Safeguarding 

Devon Children and Families Partnership guidance on reporting: If you are concerned about the safety of a child in Devon and want to speak  to someone, contact our Multi-Agency Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or  email

For further information:

Devon Children and Families Partnership:

Adult Safeguarding 

Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership guidance on reporting: If you, or someone you know, is being abused or neglected you can raise a  safeguarding concern by calling Care Direct on 0345 1551 007 or emailing

Care Direct is open Monday to Friday 8am-8pm and Saturday 9am-1pm, and  outside of these hours call 0845 6000 388 or email the address above.

For further information:

Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership:

In an emergency always call 999


Communicating the Safeguarding Policy and Procedure 

SHCA will make staff, volunteers, members and facility users aware of the  Safeguarding Policy through the SHCA website, on-site in the Policies and  Procedures file and through letting agreements.


This policy will be reviewed annually, and more often if required if there are  changes in circumstances or legal requirements.

This policy will be reviewed by the Safeguarding Lead and Safeguarding  Trustee and presented to the full Executive Committee and Trustees meeting  for agreement.

This policy was last reviewed on: 10th March 2021

Signed: Tim Payne (Interim Chair)

Date: 10/03/2021


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